Why everyone respects Jeff Dean at Google

What he has achieved

Google as a company, everyone knows it because that its searching engine, advertisement etc. Resent years, you may know its AI program (self driving car, robot, AlphaGo …) and cloud computing (Google cloud) which embedded lots of AI functionalities, for example, translate API, Phone & Video API and so on. Well, I can say all the thing mentioned above, Jeff has been involved all of them.

For example, he worked on crawling and indexing in the early days of Google, which the fundamental of google’s search and advertisement business. He is one of the three founders for Google Brain, and TensorFlow which both are the core AI unit in Google. Lots of API of AI functions are directives of Google Brain. As the creator of map reduce, he bring Google the ability of great achievement in Distributed system world. For cloud computing, Jeff left his name in BigTable, Spanner and many more.

A programmer point of view

Even in the recent era of software engineering, lines of codes which the programmer produce still the key measurement of the ability and productivity. Here we go, since 2000, until now (2017) Jeff has written more than 6.3 million lines of code. If he did not take any sick leave or holiday, worked only in work hour, he wrote 1,600 lines of code per day. AMAZING… More than half of them are C++, and rest major languages are Python Java and C, surprisingly he did not write much of Go lang, only 7 lines so far, may be he is still doubtful about the Go Lang’s OOP ability. Keep in mind that his doctor thesis is Whole-program optimization of object-oriented languages, clearly he’s a fan of OOP not procedure or structural languages.


Start punching the keyboard quickly and efficiently, my friend.